Derrick Ofosu Boateng

Derrick Ofosu Boateng is a photographer and digital artist based in Accra, Ghana. Inspired by the richness of everyday African life, his images are methodically concepted, transforming ordinary scenes with vibrant color-blocking. These soulful images are all shot on his iPhone and edited with Photoshop, Picsart, VSCO, and the internal iPhone image editing tool. 

Boateng wants to use his contemporary photography to change the world’s perception of Africa and its art, which is often viewed through a limited lens in film and media. Through his work he represents the beauty and visual poetry of everyday African culture, lifestyles and behaviors, thereby “changing the story that is told of Africa.” 

“Photography has always made me happy, since I was a child,” he said. “And now it means something important to me because it is the way I have to defend the idea that Africa is not just something negative.” 

You can check out their latest projects on Creatively here. And tap on the “Black Creator Spotlight” at the top of your Discover feed to see all the incredible Black creators we’re showcasing this month!

What is the first creative project you remember?

The first picture I created after searching hard to find my preferred style in photography, which is colorblock. I did a picture called “Life is Like Riding a Bicycle.” That very image wasn’t staged and it was a little boy on a bicycle.

Describe your aesthetic in three words.

I would say live, love, evolving.

“Color is a Power” by Boateng.

What was the most fulfilling collaboration you’ve worked on?

For now, I would say the new one I just did with the phenomenal rapper Common. My images were used for his album covers.

Boateng created the cover image of rapper Common’s latest album, “A Beautiful Revolution Pt. 1.”

What’s one creative project that taught you something fundamental about yourself?

I learn from each stage of life. Every project prepares me to be better for the future.

An original piece captured and edited by Boateng.

Do you think creativity is something you’re born with, or something you’re taught?

I wasn’t taught to be a creative, or a photographer, or an artist. I feel it’s something that came naturally. I believe one works hard on something to become talented or creative in that field. 

What is your wildest dream?

That my art has brought love to different people with different cultures and backgrounds. It has inspired people and changed the negative attitudes towards Africa. 

One hundred years from now, what do you hope people write about your work?

I would want my art to be remembered as spirit, truth, love, and happiness. How bravely I am fighting to change the mindset of people about Africa or Africans and promoting love among people.

Follow @DerrickOBoateng on Creatively.

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