Balloon art has come a long way from the four-legged dog or birthday party sword. Balloonski, based in Los Angeles, California, has over 11 years of experience creating custom balloon artwork and installations. Inspired by the intersection of retro nostalgia and current cultural trends, he thinks outside of the box to push the medium to new heights. When he’s not putting his lung capacity to the test, you can find him creating resin sculptures and colorful NFTs. 

With each inflatable masterpiece, Ballonski aims to “Create fun in abundance.” His blown-up creations appear on city streets and various galleries and events around the nation, such as Art Basel Miami and DesignerCon. In defiance of the ephemeral nature of balloon art, Balloonski also developed a “Forever Balloon” allowing his creations to defy deflation. 

You can check out more of their work here

Meet visual artist, Balloonski.

What is the first creative project you remember? 

The first creative project I can remember was my first punk band in 2001 called The In-Crowd. I started as a writer and lead singer—we actually still play and record.

Describe your aesthetic in three words. 

My aesthetic in three words would be BIG, impactful, party.

One of Balloonski’s “Forever Balloons”

What was the most fulfilling collaboration you’ve worked on?

The most fulfilling collaboration I have worked on has to be the interactive Art Experience with @PizzaBoyzzz and the @BloodyGums crew, called “Nothing Cheezy!”.

What’s one creative project that taught you something fundamental about yourself?

The creative project that taught me the most was probably my installations for POW!WOW! Korea and Japan simply because I realized that the world is so amazingly different but fundamentally the same.

Balloonski’s installation with POW!WOW! Japan

Do you think creativity is something you’re born with, or something you’re taught?

I think creativity comes from a place that can’t be created without some connection to your imagination. That being said, hold on tight to any trace of imagination you have left and use it to express yourself.

What’s the last dream you had?

I live my last dream daily. This life is what I have been concocting in my dreams for over a decade.

A snapshot from Balloonski’s online art gallery, the GatorVerse

One hundred years from now, what do you hope people write about your work?

100 years from now I hope people remember me in any capacity. If they do, I hope they say that Balloonski kicked down the doors of acceptance for lesser known art mediums to thrive without industry assistance.

CTA: Follow @balloonski on Creatively

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