On September 10th, 2001, Louisiana-born designer Billy Reid held a highly-anticipated New York Fashion Week show for William Reid, his first clothing line. And while the show was a tremendous success, what played out on the world stage the day after – and the years that followed –ultimately prevented the brand to thrive.

Determined to bring his creative vision to life, Reid came up with his next line a few years later, opening up a store in downtown New York in 2008. Yet, the day that the first Billy Reid store opened was the first day of what would be many in recession.

Despite what could be seen as signs from the universe to give up, Reid didn’t. And that persistence has been honored and celebrated with exponential success since. Today, Billy Reid offers menswear, womenswear, footwear, and accessories with an emphasis on domestic manufacturing, proprietary textiles development, and high-quality construction. The brand reflects Southern roots paired with New York sensibility, reflecting Reid’s personal authenticity and expertly crafting wardrobe staples that are built to last. Reid’s collections have a vintage feel, incorporating antique brass buttons and buckles with silk ties and cufflinks, made completely from repurposed materials.

The clothing brand remains authentic to Billy Reid’s tastes, including his love for music, evident by his partnership with Nashville guitar maker Gibson. Together, they’ve launched an exclusive collection of limited edition styles featuring Reid’s take on the iconic Hummingbird guitar artwork.

Fast forward to a few years: Reid was named GQ’s Best New Menswear Designer and won the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award. He was named Menswear Designer of the Year at the 2012 CFDA Fashion Awards (one of his four CFDA awards). His story and success show that craftsmanship and commitment to your creative calling never go out of style.

You can check out more of Reid’s work here on Creatively and @hellocreatively on Instagram.

Meet fashion designer Billy Reid

What is the first creative project you remember?

When I was in first grade, we were asked to do a painting with our handprints. I took that in a different direction, and the result looked like fire. My parents kept that hanging in our house on the wall for as long as I could remember growing up. It always made me feel like I made something special.

Describe your aesthetic in three words.

Effortless. Ageless. Warm.

What was the most fulfilling collaboration you’ve worked on?

With Gibson we were able to take their iconic hummingbird artwork and put our own subtle take on it. It was intimidating as we didn’t want to screw it up and didn’t know if they’d be into it. Fortunately, they loved the work. The process of putting the concept together was so energizing and the customer reaction to the product made a wonderful moment for both our brands.

What’s one creative project that taught you something fundamental about yourself?

I realized that keeping things real and personal is the best approach for us. You don’t have to make things up if it comes from that perspective. Our Gibson project taught me that you never stop learning. You can have a voice, even when collaborating with something as established as the Hummingbird Guitar.

Do you think creativity is something you’re born with, or something you’re taught?

I believe that creativity is likely in everyone but shows itself differently in each of us. There’s also a confidence factor that gives people the freedom to continue to be curious and explore ideas.

What’s the last dream you had?

I dreamed I was at a Thanksgiving gathering with a large family that I didn’t know, but somehow I ended up there. On their patio outside, they had a fleet of new Cadillacs and had a car race/scavenger hunt. Somehow I got lost on the road and abruptly woke up… What the hell is going on in my dreams?!

One hundred years from now, what do you hope people write about your work?

I hope that in 100 years, people say we made one of their favorite pieces. 100 years is a long time, so maybe their family kept the collection alive.

Follow @BillyReid on Creatively.

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