Bigger isn’t always better, but standing beside one of Belgium native Michael Benisty’s gigantic, metal-cast sculptures, one starts to wonder whether it might be. 

Each of Benisty’s sculptures begins with a 3D rendering that allows him to further develop the imaginative world in which each sculpture exists and expand the possibilities of how his work can be shared. Benisty’s sculptures and digital works explore themes of submission, romance, and enlightenment. His artistic goal is to encourage a dialogue among viewers, to incite a response, and above all else, to promote self-discovery. 

On a technical level, Benisty brings an exquisite softness to his enormous, stainless steel figures, like the delicately draped fabric that envelops his 21-foot masterpiece, “Surrender,” or the windswept cords that form “Agaue,” a 16-foot gold-plated face. With his most recognizable creations measuring in at these larger-than-life dimensions, Benisty strives to create art that will not only make you look up, but more importantly, look inward.

You can check out their latest projects on Creatively here.

“Surrender,” a 21-foot stainless steel piece by Benisty. 

What is the first creative project you remember?

It is difficult to remember the very first creative project since I have been on a creative journey for the past 25 years. But the first that comes to mind when looking back was my first digital art series I created to awaken and provoke a questioning of the world’s current state of affairs. I focused on international, social, and political issues that I witnessed while traveling extensively around the world, a series that juxtaposed images of East and West, military might and spirituality, power and hopelessness.   

Describe your aesthetic in three words.

My aesthetic has evolved over time throughout the evolution of my work, tapping into different mediums and themes, refining itself over time to where it’s at now. If I could describe it in three words, it would be meaningful, beautiful, and experimental.

“Broken But Together” is a 21-foot sculpture made of mirror polished stainless steel, created by Michael Benisty. 

What was the most fulfilling collaboration you’ve worked on?

Each new collaboration presents different challenges, but my first large-scale sculpture in collaboration with Swarovski was a very fulfilling experience for me as I learned a lot along the way. 

What’s one creative project that taught you something fundamental about yourself?

Each new project teaches me something new about myself. 

“Agaue,” a 16-foot gold plated polished stainless steel piece by Benisty.

Do you think creativity is something you’re born with, or something you’re taught?

I think we all have creativity in us, but it definitely takes time and effort to mold your vision. 

What’s the last dream you had?

The last dream I had is the one I am currently working on building. 

“Mirage” is a 16-foot sculpture created by Michael Benisty. 

One hundred years from now, what do you hope people write about your work?

I cannot think that far ahead, but what I have experienced over the course of my career is that art is built only to be shared. And the real reward, to me, lies in the experience that others live through and share with me.

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