Mia Moretti

Mia Moretti is a New York-based DJ, songwriter, and poet. Moretti’s music has become the go-to soundtrack for everything from runway shows to Oscar after-parties, and she can count the vivacious Katy Perry as a collaborator.

No matter the medium, Moretti brings depth and positive energy into everything she creates—seamlessly mixing songs and curating playlists that transport you beyond time and space. Moretti also serves as a Board Member for Housing Works, a healing community of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS whose mission is to end the dual crises of homelessness and AIDS through relentless advocacy. 

Check out Moretti’s latest projects on Creatively here

What is the first creative project you remember?

Oh, well I would have to say this is probably when I shot the music video for my first single, “So Beautiful.” I convinced my bandmate, Margot, and our good friend/photographer, Rony Alwin, to drive out to the Salton Sea with a suitcase full of animal masks and two Versace dresses. We dressed up as a series of different animals and then descended naked into the sea, only to return as futurist bots that played invisible instruments through their incredible mental powers.

Describe your aesthetic in three words.

I’m only playing.

What was the most fulfilling collaboration you’ve worked on?

Aside from the GRAMMY-deserving aforementioned video… probably my makeup collaboration with MAC Cosmetics. The team at MAC gave me full creative power to name and design a collection focused around music festivals.

What’s one creative project that taught you something fundamental about yourself?

Working on a clothing collaboration; I learned I am very hands on, and I need full approval! It’s scary thinking something you attach your name to could come out completely different than how you designed it.

Do you think creativity is something you’re born with, or something you’re taught?

Oh, everyone has creativity—to say someone does not is to say someone cannot walk or talk. It’s a muscle: the more it’s nurtured, the stronger it becomes.

What’s the last dream you had?

I dreamed I could work again.

One hundred years from now, what do you hope people write about your work?

That it let them dream.

Follow @MiaMoretti on Creatively.

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