From a young age, thuy always knew she wanted to be a pop star, however, as a Vietnamese-American, there weren’t many artists she could look up to. Discouraged, the aspiring singer-songwriter traded her ambitions for a career in medicine, an industry she worked in for a few uninspired years, but “on the other side of fear, lies freedom,” she likes to say, a mantra that pushed her to take the plunge and embrace her musical gifts. thuy recorded her first song, “Hands on Me” in 2017, winning the KMEL 106.1’s Home Turf radio contest and taking her first step towards pop stardom.

Since then, thuy has released several records showcasing her angelic voice and modern R&B style, amassing over 50 million streams worldwide. Her viral success laid the foundation for her long-awaited debut EP, which dropped in 2021, marking a turning point for the relative newcomer whose songs have garnered support from major outlets including, Billboard, Paper, NBC, Lyrical Lemonade, Flaunt, Earmilk, Spotify’s New Music Friday, and Apple Music’s Best New Songs. thuy hopes to be a voice for those who long to feel seen, writing music “to give people the strength to shine and inspire them to go for their dreams.”

You can check out more of their work here.

Meet Bay Area R&B Artist, thuy.

What is the first creative project you remember? 

I’ve always been very creative, but the first creative musical project I remember is the making of my first song “Hands on Me.” This song was the start of it all. I remember being bright-eyed and so excited to be in the recording booth. That feeling has never really changed. I still get so excited every time I’m on the mic!

Describe your aesthetic in three words. 

Bright, dreamy, and colorful. 

What was the most fulfilling collaboration you’ve worked on?

Right now, I’m in the process of finishing my sophomore project! It’s different from the first project because I get to be in the studio from start to finish. Being able to create a song from just one guitar melody and then write and record the track off that energy is single handedly one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. I love being able to collaborate with other talented artists and people who genuinely love music. The energy in the room is contagious. These moments are what keep me going as an artist. 

What’s one creative project that taught you something fundamental about yourself?

My first project “i hope u see this” taught me that I have the ability to curate an entire world where listeners can come and escape. I learned that I have such a story to tell and a voice that allows me to spread that story far and wide. I learned that my voice can be very healing, not only for myself, but for others as well. 

Do you think creativity is something you’re born with, or something you’re taught?

I definitely think there’s an innate part of creativity that just can’t be taught. For me, I’ve always been creative, but when it comes to music, I never had singing lessons nor did I grow up writing songs. However, when I’m in the studio, I don’t feel any barriers or self-doubt because my musical creativity is instinctual. I don’t ever think about my next move because it’s already in me, if that makes sense. Creativity just naturally flows.

What’s the last dream you had?

Crazy enough, I have the most vivid dreams, but I can’t seem to remember! Usually I have to write down or vocalize my dreams so that I don’t forget. If I don’t, I tend to forget by the end of the day. There was actually a specific week recently where I woke up multiple times throughout the night to record a voice memo of a melody I heard in my dream. My dreams feel very real and sometimes I can even take myself back to a specific moment in a dream. I feel like my mind is very powerful in that way and it’s probably why I dream big in my professional life. 

One hundred years from now, what do you hope people write about your work?

I hope that my work has touched people and helped them enough that in a hundred years they’ll write about how much my music impacted them. I only hope that my music allows people to heal and feel good.

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